All orders are promptly acknowledged by fax or e-mail. Please read the acknowledgment carefully and contact us immediately with any changes.
We can produce artwork from your sketch, logo or existing product. Vector art files in Adobe Illustrator format (.ai or .eps) are preferred. When supplying artwork in vector format, please convert all fonts to outlines or paths. Art services are billed at $50.00 (V) per hour.
Production time begins at noon (EST) on the day the artwork is approved. All orders received after noon will start production on the following business day. We are not responsible for delays in receipt of art due to delivery service failure.
Rush service is available for a variety of products. Please call for prior approval and incurred charges.
All dies and screens are retained for a period of five years. Dies and screens are the property of PDQLine for your exclusive use and will not be used for other accounts.
Your company name or logo can be struck on the back of any item. Please call for a quote.
Prices are subject to change without notice. Quantities higher than the catalog list, items not shown in the catalog and variations on items require a special price quote.
All products are individually poly bagged. Premium packaging options are available at an additional charge. Please call for pricing.
FOB Vermont.
Net 30 upon approval of signed credit application or any major credit card.
Contact us for more information on physical preproduction samples. Virtual proofs are available at no additional charge.
Set up costs are not incurred on exact reorders, except for printed pins.
Requests for changes and cancellations are subject to charges incurred up to the time of the request. Changes may affect production time.
Every effort is made to eliminate errors and misunderstandings. All requests for returns for credit or replacement must be authorized and made within 30 days from invoice date. Defective merchandise will be replaced at no charge. PDQ Line is not responsible for late or non-delivery due to circumstances beyond our control.
Country of origin is indicated on the back of the product and/or poly bag.
The logos or trademarks displayed in this catalog are to show design capabilities only and are not available for sale.